Sunday, January 30, 2011

Christmas revisited

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My littlest peanut will turn 3 in a matter of days and I almost cried when I came across this darling picture of her at around 6 weeks. How did she get so big so fast......I'm longing for that new baby smell and the feeling a warm bundle on my lap. I suppose my memories will have to suffice because Daddy says that 3 little ducklings will have to be enough :) I'm attempting to order pictures to finish filling the poor little darling's 12 month picture frame. Here she is almost 3 and if you looked at the pictures around my house, you'd swear she doesn't even exist!! The going is slow though as all three kids are climbing all over me and asking a million questions about every picture they see on my computer screen. They've given up on watching the Bears lose on television with Daddy and are now pestering me. On that note though....I've decided to steal the BEST idea ever from a random parenting mag. I'm going put all of our pictures on DVD's so that the kids can watch slide shows of them on long car rides. They love seeing themselves as babies and will get a real kick out of it. The problem? Actually getting around to executing this new plan!!
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